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How to Live Better with ADHD - In-person Workshop + Sharing Session with ADHD Peers

How to Live Better with ADHD - In-person Workshop + Sharing Session with ADHD Peers

On February 19, 2023, the Let's Talk ADHD and the Hong Kong Let's Talk ADHD Association organized an enlightening seminar titled "Living a Better Life with ADHD." The event occurred at the Dialogue In The Dark Exhibition in Cheung Sha Wan from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM. We are grateful for the support from the C2 Volunteer Master of Ceremonies Group and the Dialogue In The Dark Exhibition.

The seminar featured expert guest speakers who shared their knowledge on ADHD, explored the condition with the audience, and offered insights into how understanding ADHD can lead to a more fulfilling life.

ADHD is a crucial topic, as it impacts many people's lives. Insufficient understanding of ADHD can lead to unnecessary challenges, but we can better manage the condition and embrace our best selves with the correct knowledge.

We were honoured to have Dr Eunice Wong, a renowned pediatric specialist from the United States and founder of the ADHD Foundation, as our guest speaker. Dr Eunice Wong is not only an expert in ADHD but also someone with ADHD herself. Despite her diagnosis, she has achieved great success as a physician.

We recognized the importance of peer support, and the seminar also included an ADHDer group-sharing session after Dr Eunice Wong's presentation. Participants had the opportunity to connect with others on a similar journey, share personal experiences, and learn from one another to improve their lives collectively.

The event proved to be highly educational and insightful for the participants, with 90% reporting that it had an enlightening impact on their understanding of ADHD. Moreover, 95% of the attendees said they would recommend our future ADHD-related events to others.

We are proud to have organized this successful event that has resonated with so many individuals, and we look forward to hosting more informative seminars on ADHD in the future.


香港成人專注力協會提供可靠的 ADHD 相關資訊。但是,香港成人專注力協會的內容和服務並不代替專業的心理健康或醫療建議,也不是 ADHD 診斷或治療的替代品。如有任何醫療狀況,請向您的醫生或合格的醫療保健提供者尋求建議。

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版權所有 © 香港成人專注力有限公司 2023。保留所有權利。


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